On a snowy night, you drive up to your house, press the button on your garage door remote, and the garage door opener swings into action, lifting the door out of your way so you can safely glide into the garage. Once inside, the opener returns to work, lowering the door back into place so you can get out of the car warm and dry. Does that sound about right? In reality, it isn’t. Because, as opposed to popular opinion, it is not the garage door opener that opens the door. In fact, “garage door starter and regulator” would be a better name for that device because that’s precisely what it does. It initiates the door’s movement and then regulates it to smooth and neither too fast nor too slow. But what happens if the “opener” doesn’t open the door?
The answer is simple: The Springs.
What are Garage Door Springs: A Guide
Today, two garage door springs are used on overhead doors: extension springs and torsion springs. We’ll take a closer look at both types and answer as many questions as we can about each. Let’s get this party started.
Extension Springs
Since C. G. Johnson pioneered extension springs in overhead garage doors, they have remained the industry standard. Here are some extension spring-specific questions.
What does an extension spring do?
The extension spring absorbs and stores most of the door’s weight as energy when it closes. When the door opens, the extension spring uses its power to lift the door, which can weigh hundreds of pounds and would have been impossible to lift without the garage door opener. Most garage doors have two extension springs, one above each track and perpendicular to the door itself. A single extension spring is used in some garage door installations. Although this configuration is uncommon, it is almost always found on the lightest, cheapest doors.
It is most likely you cannot ask your neighbor for advice on whether it is a good decision to install a glass door in your garage. You should always read about Guide To Having An Eco-Friendly Garage Door which will help you decide the best budget friendly garage doors.
Do I Need 2 Springs On My Garage Door?
Why Do You Need Extension Springs?
Many garage door manufacturers use extension springs less expensive than torsion springs. This is also why they are so popular among homeowners. They save money on an extension spring garage door versus a torsion spring or springs garage door. Another advantage that isn’t often used is that some smaller garages are designed to have enough room in the space above the entrance to install a torsion spring. In that case, the only practical option is to use extension springs. However, the majority of the time, it is a matter of cost/price.
Should My Door Have One Or Two Extension Springs?
You’ve probably asked this a hundred times, and the answer is: Yes, you do. Extension springs aren’t typically capable of storing as much energy as torsion springs, which is why you’ll typically find two extension springs on a given door. However, this is not the only reason. Another consideration is safety. If one of your extension springs breaks, the safety measures built into the door may catch it before it lands on you, your car, or a loved one. Or they might not. One can break with two extension springs while the other catches the door and keeps it from crashing to the ground. It is also important to note that if one of the extension springs is broken, the door will likely raise unevenly, putting undue stress and strain on the other garage door parts.
What Are Some Tips for Keeping Extension Springs in Good Condition?
There is no magic formula for keeping extension springs in good condition. The best thing to do is to have the garage door and extension springs checked regularly to ensure all is in good working order. This will ensure that you get the most out of your garage door and prevent minor issues from becoming major ones.
What is the lifespan of extension springs?
The average lifespan of a door spring is measured in cycles, with one cycle averaging one complete opening and closing of the door. As you can see, it’s difficult to predict how long the spring will last when measured in this manner. A little math shows that if the door is subjected to two cycles per day, it should last about 13 years on average. If the door is subjected to an average of 4 cycles per day, the extension springs should be replaced every 6.5 years. However, if you only leave and return home through the garage door three times per week, you can expect your extension springs to last for 30 years (assuming they don’t rust through first).
Torsion Springs
Torsion springs have grown in popularity since WW2, and they’re now used on nearly as many garage doors as extension springs. Torsion springs are placed on the wall above the garage door, parallel to it. They have some advantages over extension springs, the most prominent being stronger. They’re also more durable and, according to some, quieter. They are, however, more expensive than extension springs and are extremely dangerous to work around. Therefore, you should never attempt garage door repair on a torsion spring on your own.
What Garage Door Uses Torsion Springs?
Torsion springs can be found on any garage door (though uncommon on single panel doors). Their utility is determined more by price than by the style of the door. While there are exceptions to every rule, lower-cost garage doors generally use extension springs, while higher-cost garage doors use torsion springs.

What Garage Door Springs Are The Best?
Torsion springs with coatings are the best. Torsion springs are more secure than extension springs and typically last twice as long. In addition, a coated torsion spring will last even longer than a regular torsion spring.
Why are torsion springs more secure? Torsion springs are entirely self-contained. Therefore, they will not become projectiles if they break. Extension springs, on the other hand, have the potential to fire. The building code requires the installation of safety cables. As a result, if an extension spring breaks, it will not shoot out. Unfortunately, many businesses and individuals do not adhere to these guidelines. As a result, extension springs have caused garages to collapse and even killed people.
It is impossible to lift the door with a single spring system if the system (springs, cables, logic board) fails. In such a scenario, you will require the assistance of a garage technician to come to your aid.
Author Bio: Rebecca is a full-time content marketing specialist. She has been closely studying the travel industry trends for quite some time. She has worked in various domains before coming to the travel industry. When she is not working, Rebecca likes to work out, try new foods, and play with her dog. Currently, she is modifying her garage door and getting her garage repaired by Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair Team.