Assuming you qualify for a lower loan rate, refinancing might help you save money. There has never been a time in history with lower interest rates than right now. The current lowest interest rate for a loan is 10%. With…
Before committing to a real estate licensing program, most people want to know a timeframe for success in the industry. Many don’t realize the variables that make quantifying impossible. The market correlates significantly with real estate performance, and the agent’s…
Have you fallen in love with your dream house but haven’t been able to find a buyer? Or perhaps you want to relocate but haven’t yet discovered a home that works for you. Buying to sell or selling to buy…
Montgomery is a city on the Alabama River in the southeastern part of the state. It’s known for its beautiful architecture and Southern charm. In addition to being home to the University of South Alabama, Montgomery also boasts several attractions…
Having your own cottage can be a wonderful experience. This beginner’s guide will show you how to design a custom cottage that perfectly suits your needs. Here you’ll find expert tips that will help you through each step of the…