Personality Disorder


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Do you lose your mood when you are angry? Does your external knowledge become zero? Maybe you have a personality disorder.

Walking down the street, but you feel like someone is following you. Or standing in front of the boss in the office, your hands and feet are sweating, cannot speak. Or sitting in the middle of a lot of people, it seems that you are the only one sitting in the place. Thousands of people around us regularly suffer from these problems, but at the end of the day, they do not find any explanation or solution to these problems. Experts call this problem’ personality disorder’.

‘Personality disorder’ or personality disorder is a mental illness. The way people think about this disease is a little unusual. They are sick; their behavior and feelings are also ill. But they are always around us like healthy normal people.

These unhealthy feelings or behaviors are again different for people in different societies. Suffering from a personality disorder, the world of such people is different. Their thinking world is different than the people around them. As a result, they may not be well involved in social, family, or other activities. They also have a tendency to blame others verbally.

The term personality disorder is very new and has been used since the middle of the last century. But people have been researching this problem or disease for a long time. Physiologist JC Prichard in 1835, called this problem of personality “moral insanity”.

Psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin then used the term “psychopathic personality” in 1896. He mentions several types of personality, which were later published in the American Journal in 1923 under the title Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Revision (DSM-5). 

Personality problems can first be divided into three categories. These are called ‘Clusters’. 

Cluster ‘A’ contains personality problems of paranoid, Seaside, and Schizotypal types. 

Cluster ‘B’ has antisocial, borderline, hysteretic, and narcissistic personality problems. 

Cluster ‘C’ has obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, and dependent personality problems. As there are different categories of these personality problems, there are also ways to solve them.

Paranoid Personality Disorder:

They are usually unreasonably skeptical, do not want to trust anyone easily, are jealous, emotional, often annoyed-dissatisfied. They always consider themselves more important than others and are vindictive. Sufferers of this personality disorder try to avoid the company of others. 

Seaside Personality Disorder:

They have less emotion, prefer to be alone, have less feeling of happiness, but they have more insight than others. They rarely think they have a problem. They are always very confident with themselves. It does not like the interference of others in making any kind of decision. Always indifferent to social and family relationships.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder:

People with such personalities avoid socialization and suffer from social anxiety. Many times they think they can understand the minds of others. Occasionally thinks, others are criticizing him all the time. There may be inconsistencies in their conversation. They almost never find the right words when presenting themselves to others. They tend to be quite self-centered.

Antisocial Personality Disorder: 

This disorder usually does not occur before the age of eighteen. Human behavior is cruel because of this disorder. They have no feelings for others. They become irresponsible, suddenly angry, and irritable. Even if they commit a crime, they do not have any guilt or remorse, and they prefer to avoid family and social responsibilities. They are constantly involved in various types of crimes, from small to big. 

Borderline Personality Disorder: 

They suffer from existential crises, unable to maintain long-term relationships with anyone. It is impossible to predict what their emotions will be like. They behave recklessly, inflict self-harm, and cut their limbs with sharp weapons or blades, bang their heads against walls, and so on. If something bad happens, he blames himself for it. 

Hysteretic Personality Disorder: 

They have a great ability to influence others; it can be either positive or negative. However, the feelings of such people are not very deep. They give more importance to physical beauty. They love to get the attention of others. Very easily influenced by others. They can do anything to keep themselves at the center of any discussion. 

Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

As the name implies, they love themselves the most, like the Greek goddess Narcissus. They think of themselves as much bigger and different than others. They have a very high opinion of their own abilities. They want the praise of others. Some tend to be selfish and jealous. They value the opinions of others. 

Evident Personality Disorder: 

They suffer from tension all the time. They consider themselves inferior to others in society. There is inferiority among them. All the way, others will reject them. They usually do not involve themselves in social activities and are afraid to take the risk of being involved in any new activity. Although they are many, they are alone. They are always afraid to take responsibility. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder:  

People with this type of personality disorder want to strictly adhere to the rules. Finds perfection in everything, and nature becomes picky. They are relatively determined, Likes to work more. Being cautious and doubting others is another characteristic of them. He wants others to follow his instructions. Though one’s thoughts and reasoning are not correct, one remains steadfast in it. It sets imaginary and irreplaceable policies and deadlines for oneself and others. 

Read these personality disorders above and determine which of these disorders do you have?

What Are The Symptoms?

You must have understood correctly what the symptoms of a person with a personality disorder are. In particular, the following symptoms are found in humans:

  1. Excessive amounts of negative emotions. This emotion, however, does not last very long. 
  2. Suffering from severe depression. 
  3. No opinion is permanent. Very fast emotions, opinions, thoughts – everything changes. For example, the person whom these people think is a very good friend today, in the next minute he is considered someone far away for a very small reason. 
  4. Somewhat hesitant to get into a relationship. And once you think of someone very close, you can’t even imagine moving away from that relationship. 
  5. Family, friends, People of love – having a very bad relationship with everyone. 
  6. Having a tendency to harm yourself. 
  7. Suicidal or negative thoughts are constantly floating around in the head. 
  8. Always think of yourself alone. To work emptiness despite having people around.
  9. Not being able to trust someone easily. 
  10. Being very angry and not being able to control this anger. Not that all the symptoms described above will be in you. However, if you see a lot of it, you should pay a little attention to it. 

What Is The Solution To The Problem?

Usually, the symptoms of personality disorder frustrate a person and take him away from everyone. Since they can’t trust anyone, they also lose faith in the doctor. But if people close to you help the victim emotionally at this time, give him time and don’t let him feel lonely, only then can this patient recover slowly. Physicians may prescribe low-dose medications to reduce anxiety and other emotional outbursts.

However, since the problem is emotional, it can be solved through emotional help. Many people do not pay attention to any mental problem. In the case of personality disorder, the patient may become schizophrenic or take major steps such as suicide.

So, go to the doctor if you are an infected person. And if anyone around you has such a problem, take him to the doctor. Stay healthy, not just physically, but mentally!