finding job

In This Economy, How to Get Hired for the Right Position

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Is it a fact of science that everything that can be measured becomes better? Does paying attention result in comprehension and concentration, which then produce learning methods and improved working memory?

Your ability to pay attention depends on how eager you are to understand and remember a topic. Greek is a language that rarely piques the interest of bricklayers. They might be inspired to invest years in learning how internal combustion engines work.

But what personality traits determine how long we can focus, pay attention, and stay in the concentration zone? Do these Five-Traits help people succeed in the classroom and at work?

Which one of these five characteristics most accurately sums up your personality?

  • Extraversion: vivacious, sociable, aggressive, and goal-driven.
  • Self-Esteem: Having confidence in and trust in your own abilities and methods to produce favorable outcomes.
  • Consciousness is often referred to as attentiveness and focus. Focus on both immediate and long-term objectives. putting off decisions and not striving for perfection (micromanaging). Place more emphasis on the outcome than on the timeframe.
  • An emotional sense of security or stability. a member of the team who prioritizes emotional intelligence.
  • f) Being pleasant means working well with others and being receptive to new ideas. exhibits polite behavior in public.

So what?

Let’s face it: Personality traits are meaningless unless you give them your own attention and value. You need a winning plan to select the best applicant for the position whether you are interviewing for a job, a promotion, or whether you are the interviewer for the hire.

Human resources studies show that if you truly understand the aforementioned five attributes, your chances of success can rise by as much as 45%. You can learn more about train the trainer here.

Did you know that the hiring process needs to be repeated in up to 50% of cases when the chosen applicant does not fit the company’s culture? They fail the probationary period and are ineligible for the position. To prevent selecting the wrong candidate for the job, review the Big Five Personality Traits.

Given that we are all human beings and not games, all hiring and promotion decisions are made at random. The emotional stability, extraversion, conscientiousness, self-esteem, and agreeableness of each candidate should be scored using a checklist, according to human resource professionals.

Past success does not guarantee future achievement

Do we prioritize a candidate’s professional experience and educational background over their emotional intelligence too much?

Do all Harvard graduates rate themselves as emotionally stable, amiable, and conscientious? Because they are eager to learn and grow, the Community College grads we spoke with challenged all of our preconceived notions. Because of their personality quirks, they are employed.

Does success as a Wall Street stockbroker (salesperson) imply that one possesses the skills necessary to succeed as an IBM sales manager?


Can an introverted, quiet person succeed in top management while simultaneously bringing emotional stability and thoroughness to the table? Which requirement is most important: advanced education, professional experience, or social intelligence (skills)?

There will never be the ideal applicant with an A+ GPA, all five of the desired personality traits, and a ton of work experience. Knowing the five winning personality qualities lowers the danger even if the choice is always yours.

When does focus begin?

Dopamine and norepinephrine are two of the brain chemicals that make people more attentive. Now recall the regions of the brain that are essential for fostering attention: the Thalamus, the frontal and parietal cortices.

Who Cares?

When studying and taking all tests, use earplugs to help you focus and reduce aural distractions. This straightforward method, which increases output by 65%, is legal. Practice right away.

Emotional triggers for unconsciousness

Your affirmations and visuals may become less effective non consciousness triggers if you add emotion to them. How to emotionalize your desires is the one topic that all gurus avoid discussing.

Easy and Basic

You must emotionally convey your requests for physical repairs or support in achieving objectives and desires by using your body language and making a loud clapping noise.

You’re aware of the signals the zorbing football referee uses to signal scores and field goals, right? Straighten your arms and raise them both up toward the sky. Baseball uses a symbol akin to this to announce a timeout. The creation of an emotional exclamation point is the only thing left to do.

You are employing nonverbal communication to speak to your unconscious when you utilize an affirmation or a visualization to rewire your mind-body connection. Your unconscious and emotional judgment, as well as your right hemisphere, are being awakened. Words don’t have any power on their own. Nonverbal action symbols must exist.

Your emotional signal is to strongly slap (clap) your left hand while elevating your arms in a touchdown position with your palms parallel to stop any benign repair request to your organs, structures, systems, or cells.

When employing the Hands-Up signal, only encourage the attitudes and goals that you wish to see in other people. Nothing happens if you employ mental imagery and/or affirmations well but leave out the emotional non-verbal trigger. Got it?

A genuine smile is the result of the cooperation of three main muscles. Each and every applicant must have an inquiring mind: Risorius pulls the lips apart horizontally, Orbicularis Oculi creates crow’s feet at the sides of each eye, and Zygomaticus lifts the sides of the mouth.

A phony smile and a real, genuine, authentic smile have no physiological or mental differences in the release of hormones, enzymes, and neuropeptides. It benefits you.

Your immune system is strengthened when you smile. Endorphins are released, which lessens or gets rid of pain. One minute of smiling can lower blood pressure and up to 90 minutes of chronic stress can be postponed. To try new things is enjoyable.