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COVID 19 Symptoms

Peoples Must Know COVID 19 Symptoms

Georgia E. SmithMay 11, 20202 min read

At the end of 2019 COVID-19 shows its danger. How COVID-19 danger for peoples? How does someone know he/she affected by COVID-19? What medicine works to reduce COVID-19? There are lots of question in people’s mind. In this article, we discuss on COVID 19 Symptoms! Most of the people’s don’t know about Symptoms of COVID 19. Let’s start reading. In our universe have 7 intercountry. All are different from one…



Georgia E. SmithApr 17, 20203 min read

The origins of the new coronavirus epidemic are known worldwide, where the number of people in that city has risen by 50% in the review. A Xinhua report said that as of Thursday, 1,290 more people have been added to…


Why Cry for the Ventilator

Georgia E. SmithMar 31, 20208 min read

There is a wide gap in the demand and provision of ventilator needed to treat COVID-19 patients. In the global pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, the lack of medical equipment is the most eye-catching. The world is experiencing an…

usa corona virus

A Research Shows Over 81,000 people will die in the next four months in the United States

Georgia E. SmithMar 28, 20203 min read

In the next four months, the coronavirus can carry out more than 81,000 lives in the United States alone. The death toll from coronavirus in the country will continue to increase until next June. A study by the University of…

Boris Johnson

The British Prime Minister is Suffering from Coronas!

Georgia E. SmithMar 27, 20202 min read

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is suffering from coronavirus. So he went to isolation on his own decision. Boris Johnson announced on his Twitter account. British media reported the BBC on Friday. Johnson also posted a video on Twitter about…