Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing – How To Get More Intakes And Serve More Clients

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You can’t look online or turn on TV without seeing personal injury lawyers advertising their services. But what is the best way for a law firm to generate more intakes and serve more clients? Lawyer marketing is the process of optimizing websites and leveraging digital marketing tactics to drive visibility. These strategies include:

Website Design

Personal injury lawyers need digital marketing to grow their clientele and revenue. Almost all prospective clients research and find attorneys online before contacting them. They read testimonials, check client reviews, and search for information about specific services. An SEO-focused law firm website will help your attorney rank higher on Google searches. The site should feature case studies, client reviews, and client video testimonials that demonstrate your lawyer’s expertise. For example, focusing on niche targeting for your car accident Lawyer marketing strategy can make it easier to stand out against local competition.

Infographics and other visual content also work well to educate your potential clients. This type of content is ideal for platforms where audiences spend their time, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google are a popular way to advertise your law firm. These ads allow you to pick specific keywords that trigger relevant search ads when people type those words into Google. A PPC campaign requires a budget, so many injury lawyers use a reputable PPC agency to run their campaigns. The agency will do the necessary keyword research to select the best search terms to target.

Online Reviews

Online reviews are a vital component of personal injury law firm marketing, as they help potential clients understand what to expect from a lawyer. In addition, they can demonstrate your firm’s dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes for your clients and provide a sense of empathetic support. Creating and maintaining positive online reviews for your law firm can boost visibility and improve search ranking on Google. Using legal directories and attorney referral networks are another way to promote your firm and generate leads.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Google is a powerful way to generate leads for your personal injury firm. You can target specific audiences based on their age, location, interests, and device, as well as the types of searches they make. However, PPC can be an expensive marketing tool that requires significant time and money to manage. Hiring a marketing agency to run your Google Ads campaign can save you time and money while ensuring that your ads are delivered to the right people at the right time.

Local Service Ads

Local Service Ads (LSA) have dethroned PPC ads in the coveted spot at the top of search engine results pages. LSAs display Google-verified businesses in a directory format and connect directly with searchers looking for home services, legal services or local business providers. Prospective clients can view your reviews, photos and contact information in an LSA ad. They can also call, message or schedule an appointment right from the ad. You can manage your LSAs on desktop or via the mobile app. Personal injury lawyer marketing strategies are unique to each legal practice. While there are many tried-and-true marketing practices that all firms should consider, it’s important to focus on strategies that are specific to your practice area.

Unlike regular Google Ads, you only pay for leads generated by your Local Service Ad listings. Google estimates the number of weekly phone calls your listing will generate, based on the number of locations you serve and your desired budget. Google also offers a Google Screened and License Verified by Google badge that can be displayed on your Local Service Ads to build trust with prospective clients. This helps level the playing field for smaller law firms, allowing them to compete effectively with larger competitors.

Blog Posts

Blogging is an ideal way for personal injury attorneys to showcase their expertise and drive search traffic. Providing potential clients with helpful information about the legal process and nuanced details that differentiate your practice can set you apart from competitors. For example, referring to some of your toughest cases or highest settlements can help build client confidence and establish you as a trusted resource.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can be effective tools for personal injury lawyers to educate their audience about the law and what to do if they’re injured. These platforms are also useful for distributing client testimonials and sharing informative infographics.


The digital world of online marketing is confusing and intimidating for attorneys. Fortunately, there are a few key marketing strategies that can be utilized to generate more cases for your law firm.