Sample Letter of Explanation for past due Payments by Aron Govil

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Here is the Sample Letter of Explanation for past due Payments: Aron Govil

Date: ___________ Name__________________________Account Number________________

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apologize again for the delay in payment of my account. This month has been a particularly difficult one for me financially and I have run into some unexpected expenses that have left me short of funds currently. With your assistance, I can ensure that this does not happen again in the future. In the meantime, please note that I am sending a money order through Western Union  for $350 to cover my past due balance along with an additional $50 to be applied toward next month’s payment. Please find attached a copy of this money order for your convenience. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding in this matter. I look forward to speaking with you in the future.



Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code _________________________________ Account Number ___________________________ Phone Number _________________ E-Mail Address ___________________________________ Expected Settlement Date: __________________ Payment Amount Owing: $0.00 ( past due ) $350.00 + $50.00 = $400.00 Balance Due For Next Month’s Payment: $550.00 Late Fee Charged To Your Account By Your Lender: $100.00 Total Owed For Current Statement Cycle Inclusive Of All Charges And Fees:-$650.00

Name of Creditor: ___________________________Address Of Creditor: __________________________________________ City/Location of Creditor: _________________________________________________________________________ Account Number with This Creditor: ______________________ Date Past Due or Statement Cut-off Date on Your Credit Report by This Creditor: _______________________________ Amount Owed Today as Stated on Your Current Billing Statement from This Creditor:-$650.00

When You Will Be Able To Make Payment(s): I will be able to make the following payments on the dates indicated below:-

  • Payment #1 – $350.00 (which includes my past due balance with your company, as well as an additional payment toward next month’s account) by Thursday, _________
  • Payment #2 – $50.00 (which will go toward next month’s payment) by Monday, __________________

Please Note: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that has been caused as a result of my tardiness in making these payments. If you require any additional information from me please don’t hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.


Name Of Individual Making Request For Information or Requesting Further Action To Be Taken By Your Company On This Matter:-

Address Of Individual Making Request For Information Or Requesting Further Action To Be Taken By Your Company On This Matter:-____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Location Of Individual Making Request For Information Or Requesting Further Action To Be Taken By Your Company On This Matter:-___________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number Of Individual Making Request For Information Or Requesting Further Action To Be Taken By Your Company On This Matter:- ______________________________Cell/Work Phone Number Of Individual Making Request For Information Or Requesting Further Action To Be Taken By Your Company On This Matter: __________________________________ E-Mail Address Of Individual Making Request For Information Or Requesting Further Action To Be Taken By Your Company On This Matter: _______________________________

Amount You Owe (Itemized List If Applicable):-

  • Past Due Amount Owed With Creditor As Stated In Billing Statement from Creditor as Of Date of Issue – $650.00
  • Amount Paid So Far Towards Accrued Balance(s) With This Creditor: – $350.00 + $50.00 = $400.00
  • Amount You Can Pay Now and Still Cover All past Due Amounts Owed To Your Company As Stated In Billing Statement from Your Company for Current Statement Cycle – $650.00

(Please Note: If the answer to this question is NO, I will be forced to seek legal action with your company as well as any other credit provider that my inquiries indicate has reported inaccurate information on my credit report.)

If you would like to use another format than what is listed above, please include how many additional pages are required and make sure it lists all the necessary information discussed above plus more (i.e., two separate forms of communication if email and regular mail are both required, etc.) Please send to:

Your Lender’s Legal Department

500 Topeka Ave. Suite 2400

City/State In Which Your Company Is Located: – _________Country In Which Your Company Is Located: – ___________ Zip Or Postal Code In Which Your Company is Located: 90009

Conclusion by Aron Govil:

Please distribute this letter to your legal department and anyone else who needs to see it (i.e., debt collectors). If you violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I will report you accordingly.