Dating has now increasingly gone online as smartphones and fast internet have become the norm. This has led to an explosion of dating apps, which are used by millions around the world. Therefore, now when you are looking to find Mrs. Right, you might well compete with lots more than you might have been only a few years ago. Therefore, it’s even more important to ensure that you are presenting the very best version of yourself that you can.
With that being said, you can find tons of ideas online via self-help books, eBooks and even employing life or dating coaches to help.
Today however we are going to look at one element of the overall approach to discreet dating – chat up lines!
When it comes to using great chat up lines, there are thousands of great lines that can help to spark interest or attract attention from a girl. Used in the wrong way however they can be a quick route to disaster!
In this article we will look at six top tips for employing great chat up lines:
Know Your Audience – This is key. Understanding the type of girl you are chatting to, will help you to pick the most suitable chat up lines for the occasion. For example, at a first casual meeting with lots of people around, you would be more likely to go for something quite subtle and perhaps complimentary such as “There isn’t a word in the dictionary for how great you look”.
Sense of Humour – Women love a man with a great sense of humor, and so funny chat-up lines can be a winner with most women.
However, one does need to tread quite carefully here. You can easily go from being a funny guy here to someone that is a bit cringe if they are overused.
Timing is Everything – You might want to practice your chat-up lines a little, as delivery is everything. Like a good joke, delivered at the right time and in the right context can be a real winner with your date.
Stay Away from the Stereotypes – We would also advise you to make sure you stay away from the most popular lines. These are too well known, and more than likely will go down like a lead balloon. Try and use something that she is unlikely to have heard before if you can!
By following these simple rules, you should be onto a winner with your date or for that next casual meet. Not only can it be a great way to break the ice, but can also be quite a good way to spark more conversation, and even with some of the more risqué lines, you might be able to progress things to the next level too!