SSL Certificate

How to Purchase an SSL Certificate for Your Subdomain

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Having an SSL Certificate is important for any website that has sensitive information, such as an online store. The process of getting one can seem complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple—and the benefits are worth it!

First, you’ll need to purchase a certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). You can do this by going to their website and filling out the form. After you submit your order, the CA will send you an email with instructions on how to download and install your certificate.

Next, you’ll need to make sure your domain name provider supports HTTPS (the secure version of HTTP) on subdomains. If they don’t support it yet, ask them if they plan on doing so in the future because there are plenty of options out there!

Finally, log into your account at your domain name provider (e.g., GoDaddy), go into “DNS Management” under “Domains,” then click on “Custom DNS Records.” Create two A records: one for www and one for [subdomain]. Fill in the IP address of your new certificate authority as both records’ values. Save changes when finished!

Introduction to SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate is a type of digital security that helps you secure your website and protect the information you collect from visitors. The most widely recognized sort of SSL authentication is an EV declaration, which represents Extended Validation. With an EV certificate, you can display your company name in the browser address bar and verify that your organization is a legitimate business.

EV endorsements are utilized by banks and other monetary organizations, as well as Fortune 500 organizations. They’re also popular with e-commerce websites because they help build trust with customers who are shopping online.

If you want to purchase SSLfor your subdomain, this guide has already walked through the steps required to complete the transaction.

Things to Consider Before Purchasing SSL Certificates

Before you can purchase an SSL certificate, you need to understand the different types of SSL certificates and how they’re used.

The most common type of SSL certificate is the single domain certificate, which protects a single domain name (e.g., “”). Most people think of this when they hear the term “SSL certificate.”

Single-domain certificates are ideal if you want to secure a single website or application on your server. They’re also great for securing email servers and other parts of your infrastructure that require encryption but don’t have their own dedicated domain name (like private FTP servers).

Subdomain declarations are one more kind of SSL endorsement that permits you to get different subdomains or hostnames on one space name. For example, if you have an existing site at and want to add a new subdomain for without having to buy an entirely new certificate, then a subdomain certificate might be an option for you!

Benefits of Using SSL for Your SubDomain

There are many benefits to using SSL for your subdomain. First, the secure connection will help protect your customers’ information when they are on your site. For instance, assume a client is looking at and entering their Mastercard data. In that case, you want to make sure that this information is being transmitted securely over the web so that it is not compromised by anyone else who may be listening in on the transaction.

Another benefit of using SSL certificates is that it will help improve search engine rankings because Google and other search engines prefer websites that use SSL certificates over those that do not. This means that when someone does a Google search for a specific product or service, your site will show up higher in the results than competitors’ sites if yours uses an SSL certificate!

Quick Benefits Run Down

1. Encrypts traffic between the browser and server

2. Avoids man-in-the-middle attacks

3. Protects against eavesdropping

4. Secures your customers’ data on your website

5. IPsec encryption protects sensitive information sent over HTTPS.