Dog Throwing

Is Your Dog Throwing Up White Foam? Here’s What You Need to Know

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White foam is the mucus that forms when your dog vomits. It can be caused by a number of things, from infections to toxins and more.

If your dog is throwing up white foam on a regular basis, it’s important to take them to the vet. They’ll be able to find the cause and treat it.


If your dog is vomiting white foam, there are several causes that could be at play. These include kennel cough, bloat, and pancreatitis.

Kennel cough: This is a contagious upper respiratory infection that often clears up after 7 to 10 days. If your dog has kennel cough, you might notice a hacking or honking cough along with white foam.

Regurgitation: If your dog spits up foamy poop without any motion or sound before, they are probably regurgitating. This is most common if they have eaten grass or any other stomach irritant.

Bloat: If your Bulldogology has a deep-chested body, they may develop bloat, which occurs when their stomach fills with air or fluid. This causes the stomach to become swollen and hard, which restricts blood flow to the heart.

This condition can lead to vomiting, weakness, dehydration, weight loss, and possibly diarrhea. You should see your veterinarian if your pet is vomiting frequently or has any other symptoms.


If your dog is throwing up white foam, it is often a symptom of something much more serious. But there is a good chance that this issue will pass on its own, as long as your dog is acting normally otherwise.

A puppy or senior dog who is vomiting a lot of white foam or another vomit color should be seen by a vet as soon as possible. These dogs are at risk of dehydration from repeated vomiting.

It’s also important to note that if your dog is coughing while vomiting, it could be a symptom of an underlying respiratory issue. This includes bacterial or viral lung infections, and heart conditions that cause fluid to build up in the lungs.

The most common reason for a dog to be vomiting white foam is parvovirus, which is largely preventable with the proper vaccinations and boosters. Rabies is another potential reason for a dog to be vomiting white froth, but this symptom only occurs in the very last stages of a rabid dog’s infection.


If your dog is vomiting up white foam on a regular basis, it may indicate that they have an underlying problem. These conditions can be dangerous and require immediate veterinary attention.

Indigestion or an upset stomach is the most common cause of white foam vomit. This can happen when your dog eats something that doesn’t agree with their stomach, such as too much grass or food they wolfed down.

Foamy vomit can also occur when there is an obstruction in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. This happens when items such as socks, toys, large bones or corn cobs become lodged somewhere past your dog’s stomach and before their colon.

Intestinal obstruction is a serious medical emergency, and delayed treatment can lead to death. This is especially true if your dog has been vomiting up white foam for more than 24 hours.


If you notice your dog vomiting white foam, it’s important to take them to a vet as soon as possible. It could be a sign of something more serious, like indigestion or bloat.

It could also be a sign of heartworms or lungworms, which are parasites found in the respiratory tract. These parasites make your dog cough up a clear, frothy foam that can be extremely irritating.

Alternatively, it may be a sign of parvovirus, which is a contagious virus that can lead to a life-threatening disease in puppies and young dogs.

Fortunately, you can prevent your pet from throwing up white foam by keeping things out of their reach, watching them closely and taking them to the vet for regular checkups. Additionally, make sure you keep your dog’s vaccinations up-to-date so they don’t catch any potentially harmful illnesses that they can pass on to you or other pets.